Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Living for yourself

If you want something, you have to ask for it.

Don't make assumptions that "things will happen" and "things will fall into place." Most people have this misperception.

At my previous corporate job, I asked for opportunities. "I'm interested in learning about X!" So my manager let me do some of X. "I'm interested in Y!" And my manager let me try Y. We sat down together and charted a path to make my interests happen. I grew in my career and was happy in my own development.

Now I've stepped out of the corporate comfort zone. It's my first time working in the professional services. Like any new job there's always that initial transitional period... I was their b*tch. Letting Partners assign me to wherever they wanted me, whichever project they could dump their sh*t work on me. None of the work interested me. My usual cheery disposition turned into dark cloudy skies, lightning and thunder.

And then the epiphany: that I shouldn't be nervous around these Partners. That my best performance comes when I say, "I don't give a f*ck anymore." And I started asking for what I wanted - what interests me. I took the ball back into my court and started telling the Partners where I wanted to be. Which projects I wanted to do.

Achievement. The sun is peeking through.